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Read Quran online with Arabic Text & Urdu Translation

View Al'Quran text with Urdu Translation (Parah & Surah wise):

Click here to view Quran online (or you get it from in Urdu Translation Link)

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Quran text with Urdu Translation (Parah & Surah wise):
Click here to Download Quran (around 38 MB)


Thursday 13 December 2007

ALQURANIC is one of the best Islamic group on Yahoo!. After joining this group, Insha'Allah you will receive periodic emails authenticated from Quran and Hadiths in English along with Urdu Translation.

Group Information

  • Members: 17204
  • Category: Quran
  • Founded: Jan 28, 2003
  • Language: Urdu

Quran with Urdu Translation - Video

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Complete Quran with Urdu Translation Recited by Shaikh Abd-ur Rahman As-Sudais & Shaikh Su'ood As-Shuraim

Para Name
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115.34 MB
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108.70 MB
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Para 30
126.43 MB


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Quran with English Translation - Audio

Recited by Abdullah Basfar - Mujawwad With English Translation (mp3 format)

Download MP3 | 001: Al-Fatiha ( The Opening )
Parts A B C D | 002: Al-Baqara ( The Cow )
Download A B | 003: Aal-e-Imran ( The Famiy of 'Imran )
Download A B | 004: An-Nisa ( Women )
Download A B | 005: Al-Maeda ( The Table )
Download A B | 006: Al-An'aam ( Cattle )
Download A B | 007: Al-A'raf (The Heights )
Download MP3 | 008: Al-Anfal ( Spoils of War )
Download MP3 | 009: At-Tawba (Repentance )
Download MP3 | 010: Yunus ( Jonah )
Download MP3 | 011: Hud ( Hud )
Download MP3 | 012: Yusuf (Joseph )
Download MP3 | 013: Ar-Ra'd ( The Thunder )
Download MP3 | 014: Ibrahim ( Abraham )
Download MP3 | 015: Al-Hijr ( Stone Land )
Download MP3 | 016: An-Nahl ( The Bee )
Download MP3 | 017: Al-Isra ( The Night Journey )
Download MP3 | 018: Al-Kahf ( The Cave )
Download MP3 | 019: Maryam ( Mary )
Download MP3 | 020: Taha
Download MP3 | 021: Al-Anbiya ( The Prophets )
Download MP3 | 022: Al-Hajj ( The Pilgrimage )
Download MP3 | 023: Al-Mumenoon ( The Believers )
Download MP3 | 024: An-Noor ( The Light )
Download MP3 | 025: Al-Furqan (The Criterian )
Download MP3 | 026: Ash-Shuara ( The Poets )
Download MP3 | 027: An-Naml (The Ant )
Download MP3 | 028: Al-Qasas ( The Stories )
Download MP3 | 029: Al-Ankaboot ( The Spider )
Download MP3 | 030: Ar-Room ( The Romans )
Download MP3 | 031: Luqman
Download MP3 | 032: As-Sajda ( The Prostration )
Download MP3 | 033: Al-Ahzab ( The Combined Forces )
Download MP3 | 034: Saba ( Sheba )
Download MP3 | 035: Fatir ( Orignator )
Download MP3 | 036: Ya-seen
Download MP3 | 037: As-Saaffat ( Those who set the Ranks )
Download MP3 | 038: Sad ( The Letter Sad )
Download MP3 | 039: Az-Zumar ( The Troops )
Download MP3 | 040: Ghafir ( The Forgiver God )
Download MP3 | 041: Fussilat ( Explained in Detail )
Download MP3 | 042: Ash-Shura (Consultation )
Download MP3 | 043: Az-Zukhruf ( Ornaments of Gold )
Download MP3 | 044: Ad-Dukhan ( Smoke )
Download MP3 | 045: Al-Jathiya ( Crouching )
Download MP3 | 046: Al-Ahqaf ( The Wind Curved Sandhills )
Download MP3 | 047: Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
Download MP3 | 048: Al-Fath ( Victory )
Download MP3 | 049: Al-Hujraat ( The Private Apartments )
Download MP3 | 050: Qaf ( The Letter Qaf )
Download MP3 | 051: Adh-Dhariyat ( The Winnowing Winds )
Download MP3 | 052: At-Tur ( The Mount )
Download MP3 | 053: An-Najm ( The Star )
Download MP3 | 054: Al-Qamar ( The Moon )
Download MP3 | 055: Ar-Rahman ( The Beneficent )
Download MP3 | 056: Al-Waqi'a ( The Inevitable )
Download MP3 | 057: Al-Hadid ( The Iron )
Download MP3 | 058: Al-Mujadala ( She That Disputeth )
Download MP3 | 059: Al-Hashr ( Exile )
Download MP3 | 060: Al-Mumtahana ( She that is to be examined )
Download MP3 | 061: As-Saff ( Battle Array )
Download MP3 | 062: Al-Jumu'a ( Friday )
Download MP3 | 063: Al-Munafiqoon ( The Hypocrites )
Download MP3 | 064: At-Taghabun ( Mutual Disillusion )
Download MP3 | 065: At-Talaq ( Divorce )
Download MP3 | 066: At-Tahrim ( Prohibtiion ) Download MP3 Listen
Download MP3 | 067: Al-Mulk ( The Sovereignty )
Download MP3 | 068: Al-Qalam ( The Pen )
Download MP3 | 069: Al-Haaqqa ( The Reality )
Download MP3 | 070: Al-Maarij (The Ascending Stairways )
Download MP3 | 071: Nooh ( Prophet Noah )
Download MP3 | 072: Al-Jinn ( The Jinn )
Download MP3 | 073: Al-Muzzammil ( The Enshrouded One )
Download MP3 | 074: Al-Muddaththir ( The Cloaked One )
Download MP3 | 075: Al-Qiyama ( The Rising of The Dead )
Download MP3 | 076: Al-Insan ( Man )
Download MP3 | 077: Al-Mursalat ( The Emissaries )
Download MP3 | 078: An-Naba ( The Tidings )
Download MP3 | 079: An-Nazi'at ( Those who drag forth )
Download MP3 | 080: Abasa ( He frowned )
Download MP3 | 081: At-Takwir ( The Overthrowing )
Download MP3 | 082: Al-Infitar ( The Cleaving )
Download MP3 | 083: Al-Mutaffifin ( Defrauding )
Download MP3 | 084: Al-Inshiqaq ( The Sundering )
Download MP3 | 085: Al-Burooj ( The Mansions of the Stars )
Download MP3 | 086: At-Tariq ( The Nightcomer )
Download MP3 | 087: Al-A'la ( The Most High )
Download MP3 | 088: Al-Ghashiya ( The Overwhelming )
Download MP3 | 089: Al-Fajr ( The Dawn )
Download MP3 | 090: Al-Balad ( The City )
Download MP3 | 091: Ash-Shams ( The Sun )
Download MP3 | 092: Al-Layl ( The Night )
Download MP3 | 093: Ad-Dhuha ( The Morning Hours )
Download MP3 | 094: As-Sharh( Relief )
Download MP3 | 095: At-Tin ( The Fig )
Download MP3 | 096: Al-'alaq ( The Clot )
Download MP3 | 097: Al-Qadr ( Power )
Download MP3 | 098: Al-Bayyina ( The Clear Proof )
Download MP3 | 099: Az-Zalzala ( The Earthquake )
Download MP3 | 100: Al-'adiyat ( The Courser )
Download MP3 | 101: Al-Qari'a ( The Calamity )
Download MP3 | 102: At-Takathur ( Rivalry in world increase )
Download MP3 | 103: Al-Asr ( The Declining Day )
Download MP3 | 104: Al-Humaza ( The Traducer )
Download MP3 | 105: Al-Fil ( The Elephant )
Download MP3 | 106: Quraish
Download MP3 | 107: Al-Ma'un ( Small Kindesses )
Download MP3 | 108: Al-Kauther ( Abundance )
Download MP3 | 109: Al-Kafiroon ( The Disbelievers )
Download MP3 | 110: An-Nasr ( Divine Support )
Download MP3 | 111: Al-Masadd ( The Flame )
Download MP3 | 112: Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )
Download MP3 | 113: Al-Falaq ( The Daybreak )
Download MP3 | 114: An-Nas ( Mankind )

Quran without Translation - Audio

Recited by Saad Al-Ghamdi Without Translation (mp3 format)

001-Surah Al-Fatiha
002-Surah Baqara
003-Surah Aal'Imran
004-Surah Nisaa
005-Surah Maaida
006-Surah An'am
007-Surah A'araaf
008-Surah Anfaal
009-Surah Tawbah
010-Surah Yunus
011-Surah Hood
012-Surah Yusuf
013-Surah Ra'ad
014-Surah Ibraheem
015-Surah Hijr
016-Surah Nahl
017-Surah Israa
018-Surah Kahf
019-Surah Maryam
020-Surah Taha
021-Surah Ambiya
022-Surah Hajj
023-Surah Muminoon
024-Surah Noor
025-Surah Furqaan
026-Surah Shu'araa
027-Surah Naml
028-Surah Qasas
029-Surah 'Ankaboot
030-Surah Room

031-Surah Luqmaan
032-Surah Sajdah
033-Surah Ahzaab
034-Surah Saba
035-Surah Faatir
036-Surah Yaseen
037-Surah Saaffaat
038-Surah Saad
039-Surah Zumar
040-Surah Mumin
041-Surah HaMeemSajdah
042-Surah Shoora
043-Surah Zukhruf
044-Surah Dukhaan
045-Surah Jathiyah
046-Surah Ahqaaf
047-Surah Muhammed
048-Surah Fat'h
049-Surah Hujuraat
050-Surah Qaaf
051-Surah Dharyaat
052-Surah Toor
053-Surah Najm
054-Surah Qamar
055-Surah Rahmaan
056-Surah Waqi'ah
057-Surah Hadeed 058-Surah Mujaadalah
059-Surah Hashr
060-Surah Mumtahinah
061-Surah Saff
062-Surah Jumu'ah
063-Surah Munafiqoon
064-Surah Tagaabun
065-Surah Talaaq
066-Surah Tahreem
067-Surah Mulk
068-Surah Qalam
069-Surah Haaqah
070-Surah M'aarij
071-Surah Nooh
072-Surah Jinn
073-Surah Muzzammil
074-Surah Muddathir
075-Surah Qiyaamah
076-Surah Dahr
077-Surah Mursalaat
078-Surah Naba'
079-Surah Nazi'aat
080-Surah 'Abasa
081-Surah Takweer
082-Surah Infitaar
083-Surah Mutaffifeen
084-Surah Inshiqaaq
085-Surah Burooj
086-Surah Taariq
087-Surah A'alaa
088-Surah Gaashiya
089-Surah Fajr
090-Surah Balad
091-Surah Shams
092-Surah Lail
093-Surah Duhaa
094-Surah Inshiraah
095-Surah Teen
096-Surah 'Alaq
097-Surah Qadr
098-Surah Bayyinah
099-Surah Zilzaal
100-Surah 'Adiyaat
101-Surah Qaari'ah
102-Surah Takathur
103-Surah 'Asr
104-Surah Lumazah
105-Surah Feel
106-Surah Quraish
107-Surah Ma'uon
108-Surah Kawthar
109-Surah Kafiroon
110-Surah Nasr
111-Surah Lahab
112-Surah Ikhlas
113-Surah Falaq
114-Surah Naas

Quran without Translation - Audio

Recited by Shaikh Abd-ur Rahman As-Sudais Without Translation (wma format)

001-Surah Al-Fatiha
002-Surah Baqara
003-Surah Aal'Imran
004-Surah Nisaa
005-Surah Maaida
006-Surah An'am
007-Surah A'araaf
008-Surah Anfaal
009-Surah Tawbah
010-Surah Yunus
011-Surah Hood
012-Surah Yusuf
013-Surah Ra'ad
014-Surah Ibraheem
015-Surah Hijr
016-Surah Nahl
017-Surah Israa
018-Surah Kahf
019-Surah Maryam
020-Surah Taha
021-Surah Ambiya
022-Surah Hajj
023-Surah Muminoon
024-Surah Noor
025-Surah Furqaan
026-Surah Shu'araa
027-Surah Naml
028-Surah Qasas
029-Surah 'Ankaboot
030-Surah Room

031-Surah Luqmaan
032-Surah Sajdah
033-Surah Ahzaab
034-Surah Saba
035-Surah Faatir
036-Surah Yaseen
037-Surah Saaffaat
038-Surah Saad
039-Surah Zumar
040-Surah Mumin
041-Surah HaMeemSajdah
042-Surah Shoora
043-Surah Zukhruf
044-Surah Dukhaan
045-Surah Jathiyah
046-Surah Ahqaaf
047-Surah Muhammed
048-Surah Fat'h
049-Surah Hujuraat
050-Surah Qaaf
051-Surah Dharyaat
052-Surah Toor
053-Surah Najm
054-Surah Qamar
055-Surah Rahmaan
056-Surah Waqi'ah
057-Surah Hadeed 058-Surah Mujaadalah
059-Surah Hashr
060-Surah Mumtahinah
061-Surah Saff
062-Surah Jumu'ah
063-Surah Munafiqoon
064-Surah Tagaabun
065-Surah Talaaq
066-Surah Tahreem
067-Surah Mulk
068-Surah Qalam
069-Surah Haaqah
070-Surah M'aarij
071-Surah Nooh
072-Surah Jinn
073-Surah Muzzammil
074-Surah Muddathir
075-Surah Qiyaamah
076-Surah Dahr
077-Surah Mursalaat
078-Surah Naba'
079-Surah Nazi'aat
080-Surah 'Abasa
081-Surah Takweer
082-Surah Infitaar
083-Surah Mutaffifeen
084-Surah Inshiqaaq
085-Surah Burooj
086-Surah Taariq
087-Surah A'alaa
088-Surah Gaashiya
089-Surah Fajr
090-Surah Balad
091-Surah Shams
092-Surah Lail
093-Surah Duhaa
094-Surah Inshiraah
095-Surah Teen
096-Surah 'Alaq
097-Surah Qadr
098-Surah Bayyinah
099-Surah Zilzaal
100-Surah 'Adiyaat
101-Surah Qaari'ah
102-Surah Takathur
103-Surah 'Asr
104-Surah Lumazah
105-Surah Feel
106-Surah Quraish
107-Surah Ma'uon
108-Surah Kawthar
109-Surah Kafiroon
110-Surah Nasr
111-Surah Lahab
112-Surah Ikhlas
113-Surah Falaq
114-Surah Naas

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